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entangled19's profile

3 Messages

Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 2:35 AM

Landline Call Forwarding.

I have been trying to rectify this problem for several weeks now.  My 92 year old mother who has had the same phone number for the past thirty years recently moved from her home to a senior living center.  When she moved, she figured that she'd have her number transferred and hooked up at the living center.  When she moved in, she was told that the senior living center does not work with AT&T.  Her only option was to have a VoiIP phone installed with the local cable company.  Our first call to AT&T we were told that her number would not be able to be transferred to the VoIP phone because it is considered locked to a certain location.  She moved from one town to another about twenty miles apart from each other.  Since she is still paying her monthly AT&T bill for her land line number, we were told that we could call and have AT&T turn on call forwarding on her old number to her new number.  After NUMEROUS phone calls and even trying to reach out to AT&T reps on Facebook to no avail, every time we call to try and fix this issue, after waiting on hold we consistently talked to reps who are reading from scripts and don't understand the issue.  We have been told repeatedly by reps just to hit *72 to activate call forwarding.  I've explained over and over that my mother does NOT have access to that number any more and they'd have to turn it on on their end.  I've been transferred and disconnected over and over. I even had one rep start charging my mom an extra fifteen dollars a month for call forwarding without solving the issue.  Even after explaining in detail the issues to the Facebook reps their only solution was to have me call back in to the 1-800 number which I can no longer do as I'm not willing or able to spend any more time doing so.  The other day I stopped at our local AT&T store and spoke with a rep there who told me that they couldn't help me there either because they just deal with cell phones. Again, was told just to call the 1-800 number.  At this point, I am hoping that someone from AT&T who knows what they're doing can help me solve this relatively small issue.  I know landlines aren't a big thing anymore but again my mother is 92 years old doesn't own a computer, has no email, cell phone and not every 92 year old wants all that technology.  She just wants her old phone number.

Jim Smith



19.7K Messages

6 months ago

First off you don't ask AT&T if a number can be ported, you ask the carrier you porting to if it can be ported. They are the ones you work with, if they say no, then it can't be ported. Is she in the same area code and exchange as she was before? If no, then that's right, it can't be ported to the other carriers VoIP service. 

Secondly as far as forwarding goes, is the number still active in your mother's name and is the call forwarding active on her account? The phone company can't turn forwarding on that has to be done from the line being forwarded, for a traditional landline. You could set up remote call forwarding where you could forward it from anywhere with a special number that is assigned to the account for yet another additional charge and that's if it's even available. What's meant by your mother not having access to that number anymore? Account close or just not physically there? If just not physically there, couldn't you or someone go to the location and forward it for her? Too many unknows for a good answer. 

3 Messages

5 months ago

Hello Spoom,

     I'm sorry that I was not clearer in my description.  I was trying to condense.  If I wrote out the whole story it would have been a much longer read.  Yes, I did start by asking the new provider to port the number over.  I did realize that it was the new provider's responsibility.  I was told by the new provider that "They were not able to transfer the landline number over." with no further explanation. This is where my AT&T journey begins.  I called and spoke with someone in billing to make sure that my moms landline number was still hers.  I was told "yes" and as long as she kept paying her bill it would remain her number.  I asked the woman if she would be able to help me forward the number and she said that she wouldn't because she was in billing but would transfer me to someone that could.  She also told me that to ask for "remote call forwarding".  I was transferred and after explanining the situation to the new person I was placed on hold and disconnected for the first time.  She is in the same area code.  Not sure what the exchange is but the prefix is different.

Again, yes the number is still active and in my mother's name.  Just received the latest bill a few days ago.  There is nothing on it about call forwarding, but like I said in my last post one of the last AT&T representatives told me there would be a charge and added it to my moms bill, but I still can't get anyone to activate remote call forwarding.  When I tell the representatives that  I want to start remote call forwarding they all have the same reaction.  Which is like they never heard the term before. 

What I meant by my mom not having access to the number was that when she moved we all thought that she would of be able to have her number transferred to her new living arrangement.  When that was not possible and I started calling AT&T and talking to the call centers.  They would tell me to just dial *72 to activate call forwarding.  I can't do that because we don't have access to the old house with a phone that's hooked up to the old number to be able to dial *72.  I'm sure the new owners (who we really don't know) already have their number hooked up. 

I want to say this for the record. Am I mad and (Edited per community guidelines) off YES! This is something that shouldn't of taken multiple phone calls, hours of my time, asking for help on AT&T Facebook site and on AT&T chat forums for something that should of probably taken 10 to 15 minutes, and it just astounds me that NO ONE that I've spoken with can help or even point me in the right direction.  That all being said I have NEVER spoken badly or rudely to anyone on the phone.  I have been polite and kind because I do realize the people on the other end are people too.  I don't like getting yelled at and I'm not about to do it to someone else.  If my tone sounds a little curt I apologize.  Just super frustrated.





19.7K Messages

5 months ago

You may have to file an FCC complaint to get your issue on remote call forwarding addressed. Since traditional landline service is being phased out most of the reps probably aren't well versed in the feature as it's only for traditional landline. The digital phone service is handled through your accounts phone features. Good luck.



19.7K Messages

5 months ago

Actually with the house being sold and not having access to the line a cheaper easier solution might be to get a cheap prepaid cell plan or something like Consumer Cellular have her old number ported to it, then forward the cell to her new number. That way you'd be in control of the forwarding if it needed changed or removed. I think that would be a better alternative to the expense of a landline with remote call forwarding.

3 Messages

5 months ago

Spoom, Thank you for your input.  I do truly appreciate your help with this.  I wish it didn't have to come down to this but I'll try contacting the FCC tomorrow and see where that leads me.  I'll keep you posted.




19.7K Messages

5 months ago

OK, I'd go the cell phone route personally 



19.7K Messages

5 months ago

Can a Moderator or Admin, or possible an ACE look into this? 

Looks like @Bella0981 is using chatgpt to post the same thing that's been posted and another that post something they really don't know what they're taking about.

See this one and this one




19.7K Messages

5 months ago

Not up to me, posting just for the sake of posting helps no one.  Especially when you dig up old topics or repeat what's already been said. Or use chat tools to make it look good. 

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