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MendelBloch's profile

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8 Messages

Saturday, May 20th, 2023 10:26 PM

Schedule for STIR/SHAKEN protocols?

Why is it taking so many years to finalize and implement the STIR/SHAKEN protocols to verify caller IDs and reduce robocalls (They have been pending at least since 2019)?  When will I begin to see the results on my landline phone so I can stop getting 3 or 4 scam "Medicare" calls from India every day?



19.7K Messages

1 year ago

From the FCC Website. 

New Member


8 Messages

1 year ago

spoom2 -- The last action listed on the FCC post you referenced was from a year ago. Since then, the amount of spoofed traffic that my phone sees has increased dramatically (and annoyingly). So either not much that is real has happened in the FCC's Caller ID Authentication program in the past year, or what has happened so far is ineffective (e.g., still full of holes). I'm curious as to where AT&T stands relative to this implementation. A search on the ATT website returns little of relevance, at least for landline customers. Do the experts have any projections?

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

1 year ago

The protocols were implemented by most carriers.  Most larger carriers are no longer accepting calls directly that they cannot certify the source of.  However, there are many smaller providers of one sort or another whose entire business relies on the shady sort of customer.  The FCC has just recently issued an order telling compliant carriers to no longer accept calls from one of these providers who have been found to be operating outside compliance with the FCC mandate.

See https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-issues-first-ever-roboblocking-order-against-one-eye



19.7K Messages

1 year ago

If you read the article you'll see there's more to be implemented at the end of June 2023. You can also do your own searching to find out more information if you want. 

New Member


8 Messages

1 year ago

I was pleased to read about the FCC's action against One Eye. I'm looking forward to finding out that it will have some effect; but so far it is not noticeable. I got three Medicare-scam robocalls before 8 am this morning, and I'm sure there will be more during the day, as there have been every day for weeks.

New Member


8 Messages

5 months ago

Eight months ago (May 20, 2023) I asked when we might expect to see results from the FCC's program to reduce caller ID spoofing and robocalls. I was told that there would be some implementation to watch for at the end of June. During a couple of weeks in July and early August, my twice-daily robocalls with spoofed caller IDs did stop completely, so I figured the FCC's efforts must be having an effect. But then in late August the robocalls started up again with the same frequency as before! They have continued unabated since then; and in addition, more robocalls, seemingly unrelated to the original series, have been added. So as far as I can tell, the robocall-reduction efforts have been a total failure. Is there any reason currently for a less pessimistic outlook?

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

5 months ago

This is a public, customer populated forum. We are customers just like yourself. You would probably be better off writing your Congressman because no one here can really answer that question.

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

5 months ago

Scammers and robocalls will always look for a way around any protections in place. They will never be stopped completely. Crooks will always exist.

As this is a public forum of other customers, we cannot do anything about your pessimistic outlook. As suggested you can try writing your Congressman or such, but I wouldn't expect much.



19.7K Messages

5 months ago

Use your favorite search engine to find the latest. I use a phone with a call blocker and screen all calls not in my directory or allow list. When someone not on one of the lists calls they get a message that the call is being screened and to push a specific button to let the call through. Robo calls can't push a button and spoofed calls don't bother. Other than getting a missed call that's easily cleared I get zero spam calls. They may find their way around this, but until then I'm good. There are ways to do this with a little effort and a few bucks. 

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