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Orlandoent's profile

1 Message

Thursday, June 6th, 2024 9:45 PM

Corporate abuse

I know more than likely this is an AI bot, considering that AT&T has far more interest in enhancing its bottom line, than addressing the needs of its consumers. Despite the disregard, I?m going to state for the record, my intent to seek recourse for the damages AT&T has directly enacted upon myself and my family over the course of a year. From day 1, I was pulled into a ridiculous contract, via bait and switch by a 3rd party at a target store that I don?t knowingly agree to. After the damage was done, I made AT&T aware of this in the first month of service. Every month since, I?ve been on tge phone for approximately 16 1/2 hours between tech-support and customer service. Since I was first succeeded into this service, AT&T has done nothing but pass the buck and continue to gouge and strong-arm me. At&T maintained its price-fixing tactics despite knowing that my kids and i had become homeless due to an infringement upon me at the company I owned at the time. This is what led to the transfer of service to begin with. Our plight was acknowledged by a handful of your representatives, yet AT&Ts artificial intelligence pressed forward with its gouging and strong-arm tactics to demand the payment it wanted, when it wanted, despite promises made. This has led to the situation that I?m in now with AT&T. My intent, now, is to sue AT&T, should it not make an effort toward an amicable solution. I know that AT&T has to be aware that it?s already part of a (Edited per community guidelines) suit for corporate abuse. I enjoyed the human aspect of AT&T. I?m not happy that our interactions have come to this. I?ve been asked to sign on the dotted line for my part in this (Edited per community guidelines) (Edited per community guidelines). My consumer watchdog group may even be a leading part of the move against AT&T, if AT&T refuses to show that it cares about my human situation and honor what it said it was going to honor from the very beginning. There?s an opportunity here for a win/win. To ignore my needs and the promises made, leads to a pure loss for AT&T. AT&T?s choice to put its spreadsheet over human issues will be Indicative in the ways it opts to handle my situation. If At&T opts to stay the course, consider this message as a declaration of my intent to seek full legal recourse. Should AT&T choose to stay the course of profit mongering, price gouging and fixing at the expense its consumers, I will be forced into immediate action. The abusive use of AI to intentionally circumvent human issues in the name of profit enhancement will not be allowed in this country. I will allow AT&T to bring us back to zero balance and start at square one with the understanding that I will continue to monitor your actions under a microscope. That is the only action on my end that will delay my actions for recourse. If I see a concerted effort to rectify the issues your AI HAS CAUSED, it could delay my actions for recourse indefinitely. I?m being told AT&T?s infringement upon the American public, via AI is intentional. I hope that is not the case. It is in the best interest of whoever or whatever is reading this to hand this correspondence to your CEO, John T. Stankey. This is about to become a big problem for you if this problem doesn?t get solved ASAP. Thank you in advance for your time.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

28 days ago

I don't know why you think this is a bot, that's not a thing. It's also not AI. Those responding are other customers or in my case a former customer...

1.  Target is not AT&T. They are an authorized retailer like Apple and Best buy and Walmart and Sam's club etc. 

2.  They should not be misrepresenting AT&T prices and promotions which are all published online for anyone to read.   AT&T is not going to honor a false offer. There's a reason their prices are published. They can't charge people more, and they don't have to charge people less. If Target offer you a price that is not true, take it up with Target 

3.  You keep dithering on about artificial intelligence when that's not your problem. When you signed up at Target, part of what you signed was an agreement to pay AT&T for service every month. From what I can tell that has not happened. So AT&T is probably suspending your service, there certainly sending you reminder messages that your bill has not been paid, you may have been charged late fees and reconnect fees. All of which you agreed to when you signed up. 

You can complain wherever you want. It will make absolutely no difference.

Taking personal responsibility, and purchasing affordable services and phones once you hit hard times - that would have been a smart move. 

As for your threats to sue AT&T you are limited to small claims or arbitration. You will have to provide documentation going into small claims court to bolster your claim.   Do you plan on bringing Target with you? How about the documentation when you signed up? Your payment records to AT&T? How about the published plans and policies procedures the terms of service you signed and all the promotions because that's what AT&T is going to bring to bolster up its side of the claim. 


Now the end of your post blaming things on artificial intelligence is manure.  Maybe target lied to you. Maybe you just didn't understand anything that you signed up for. Maybe you didn't understand the service is not free.  

There's an awful lot of nonsense and rambling, which has no basis in reality which I think is a big portion of the problem going on here with you

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