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16 Messages

Thursday, February 29th, 2024 9:06 AM


Fix the stupid my account website

This is getting old quick. Any time I try and log in to the my account it wants to text me a security code to see if it's really myself. It will work for weeks sending that text to my number which is the primary. Then out of the blue it will want to send the text to my wife's number, which is the secondary line on the account, which I do not always have access to. Sometimes she's asleep or not home. This is a real pain in the sphincter.

Interestingly when it does it it will not give any other option except for pay your bill and if one clicks on that it will magically know what the $ amount due is and give you a link to pay it.

What a circle (Edited per community guidelines) it truly is.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

4 months ago

AT&T isn't going to fix it because it's not broken. It is working exactly as they think it ought to work.

If you want the two factor authentication code to only go to your phone number (think about that for a minute what happens if you were phone is the one that's damaged /disabled/ broken/ lost or stolen.... Because AT&T is way too literal)

But you can contact AT&T and request that one-time authentication code Not go to other numbers on your account. Typically the excuse is children elderly ....



16 Messages

4 months ago

Thats just total (Edited per community guidelines). There you go again posting incorrect unuseful info.

There is a setting under user profle to set the line one wants the secure authentication code to be sent to on multi line accounts. I have discussed it through the support chat and in phone conversations with CSR's at least 8 times over the last 2 months.  Every single one said it should not be happening and I've reset it so many times I have lost count. Once reset it works for some time, a few days, a week or longer, a month or more, it varies. Eventually though at some point it kicks to wanting to send the authentication to the second line, and usually at the most inconvenient time.

Here's an idea. Instead of working on your next badge how about not even commenting when you don't know what your talking about? It's annoying not to mention rude.

Perhaps some AT&T person that actually knows how to repair code may stumble upon this thread but I doubt it.


ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

4 months ago

And yet it has been discussed over and over again on this forum and this is how it works, until you ask AT&T to exclude the other numbers on your account from receiving two-factor authentication code, because that setting does not change anything



16 Messages

4 months ago


I guess asking them 8 times in the last 60 days is not enough asking perhaps? Hoping you get another participation badge for the last one, thanks for nothing.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

4 months ago

I think after 10 years I'm pretty well maxed out on whatever participation badges AT&T may be handing out.  😂

So you have not specifically asked for them to restrict two-factor authentication to your phone number?  

And if you're still having a problem file a better business bureau complaint.

And if you're still dead set on no one knowing any better than you do, then just ignore everything anyone might suggest, and wait for ATT help to respond with their usual suggestion that use the contact us link at the bottom of the forum page to call or chat 🔄

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