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13 Messages

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 6:30 PM

ATT and Direct TV Bundle mess

Not real sure where to begin. it's been over 3 months since I called in to lower my bill with Direct Tv, and was told that I would save money if I bundled AT&T along with Direct TV. So naturally that sounded wonderful, so I opted to do that and I also asked for the lowest package available which was $90.00 a month. Well the very next billing period i was hit with a bill for over $1000! I mean come on.. From that point on I had to pay over $700 a month just to keep myself, and my daughters phone and internet on. The only thing customer service offered me was 3 months of free movies, and I just found out today that I am now being billed for them. I'm at a total loss. My initial concern was to save money, as its myself and my 9 year old daughter, now I cant afford to even keep my service up and running. I spoke with customer service a billion times, all overseas, like robots, and nobody gave a hoot. I was just on a chat log where 4 reps went through the same song and dance, and ASSURED me they would help me, and nobody did. My biggest concern is that I'm due for a $335 tomorrow and i cant afford it. Paying up to $700, when i tried to save money has only made me want to cancel. I'm due for an upgrade, so this would be a good time to bail out if this doesn't get resolved. Its amazing how the customer gets treated. i have a print from the chat log, but you and I know that doesn't matter. Pleeeeaassee Help!!

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hello @Williammaybray,


We'd be more than happy to take a closer look into your billing concerns. We'll be sending you a private message to request account information shortly.

Sean, AT&T Community Specialist



13 Messages

5 years ago

your private message would not accept my phone number, so I spelled it out. 



13 Messages

5 years ago

This is the response and help that I received. They put me into this mess when I wanted to save money, and they hit me with a huge bill, meaning I had the full remaining balance on my phone billed to me all at once when i was told to bundle with att and direct tv to savew money. You guys are horrible. a 20 year customer you pushed out the door. Now you guys want me to pay that remaining balance for which I already paid 350 this month? DO NOT TRUST ATT. FIND ANOTHER PROVIDER. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS. I HAVE A LONG CHAT LOG WITH 5 DIFFERENT REPS THAT JUST BLEW ME OFF. OF COURSE IT WOULDNT LET ME PASTE IT ON HERE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE. THANKS FOR NOTHING

Good morning,   I ran into a roadblock with your account. Because the bill is past due, I'm unable to make any changes to the account until it's paid. Once that's done, I can work on de-combining your services and removing the premium channels.   I look forward to hearing back from you!   Aminah, AT&T Community Specialist



13 Messages

5 years ago

and on a side note. I cancelled those premium channels over a week ago. So what exactly are you looking at? or didnt you look at all?

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

5 years ago

@Williammaybray wrote:

and on a side note. I cancelled those premium channels over a week ago. So what exactly are you looking at? or didnt you look at all?

She probably didn't look at all, since you didn't mention that in your original post (less than a week ago) that you had already removed them. She probably just took your concern at face value. 


Since the account is past due, she wasn't able to dig any deeper into the issue to look for a resolution. 



13 Messages

5 years ago

listen. until you know what the entire issue is about, mind your own. you have noooo clue what ive been through. mind your business



13 Messages

5 years ago

and the amount due was created on their end, not mine. I paid 350 already this month. omce again, umtil you know what is going on, stay silent. Plus her and I have private messages back and fourth, so once again..



13 Messages

5 years ago

and those channels were the least of my worries. my god, dont yuou have anything to do? you know dang well ATT is a bunch of crooks, everything has been sold overseas, you cantt even get a US rep anymore. Horrible. 




13 Messages

5 years ago

are you able to look into my acount? or do you just come up with your own conclusions? if so, please shoot me a private message and we can talk



13 Messages

5 years ago

the chat log and all of this is going staright to the BBB. I have 5 reps who turned their back on me, and I have proof to show it, Thank goodness. Oppose to your online reps that ASSURE you they can help, but do nothing anf transfer you 

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