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2 Messages

Thursday, November 14th, 2019 2:23 PM

AT&T are Crooks

I have come to the conclusion that AT&T are crooks.  At very best their staff is completely incompetent. Allow me to explain:  

October 2017:  Signed up for service because I had a new job and my T-Mobile signal wouldn't reach my work place.  I was happy with T-mobile.  Their price is much more honest.   


As for AT&T, the person who sold me the phones provide me with a BOGO deal on the phones.  Seemed like a good deal.  Also sold me on Direct TV and DSL Internet.  I was paying 3 bills $62.00 for Internet   $60 for Direct TV and $155 for 2 cel phones with 12 GB of share data.  This was in part due to a discount from my workplace.   I was giving them $275/month.  The salesperson said don't look at your bill for the first 3 months.  It will be confusing.  He also told me I could have the services consolidated onto a single bill.


I tried off and on for 6 months to have the bills consolidated.  Nobody could ever make this happen.  I finally gave up.  Every couple months the discount from Direct TV would not be applied so I had to spend hours on the phone getting it corrected.  Direct TVs service was awful.  Every time it would rain I would lose signal.  The On Demand service crashed nearly every time I went to use it.  The Internet service was 25Mbps but I could usually pull down about 32Mbps, which wasn't too bad.  


The technician also drilled a huge hole in my wall to install Direct TV because my previous wiring used for Dish Network, Time Warner etc.  wouldn't work (I still don't believe that).  Anyhow, I put up with this for 2 years.  I was ready to leave.  Spectrum offered me phone service for 2 phones for $88.00 (tax included).  I could get all my services for 30% less and improved TV and Internet experience (100Mbps instead of 25Mbps) working DVR etc.  I was so ready to switch.  I was going to save lots of money and life would be good.  So I called AT&T and asked how much to get out of my contract.  My contract was up, but I still owed on the phone. Ok, how much will it cost me to pay off the phone.  $178.00.  Perfect, I'll pay for it with my credit card.  Done.  Or so I thought.  Then, after waiting 2 days I receive an unlock code.  What about the other phone...."Oh that one is in contract for 6 more month."  What?  This is ridiculous.  It was BOGO.  "Yeah, but you get a credit each month of service.  You should have read your contract."  I was livid.  What does it take to get rid of you guys?  I give them another $178.00.  Then I go to Spectrum and they say, Oh the Galaxy S8 Active is an AT&T only phone. You can't use this.  ARGHHH!!!  So I call AT&T and ask them to reverse the request to payoff/cancel.   They take care of this after about 3 hours on the phone.  Then, while speaking to the helpful lady, I say is there anyway I can save on my phone bill?  She says, you can switch to the shared 9GB plan and it will be $118 + tax.  Lets do it.  The next month my bill is $229.00.  WHAT?  Are you serious.  I call back they say...oh we see what has happened here, your bill should be $129.00.  Ok great.  Wait until tomorrow and the amount owed will be updated.  I wait and again it still shows $229.00.  I call back and they guarantee me that tomorrow it will work.  I wait another day and again the bill is $229.00.  I call back and get a guy named George that tells me he is a billing expert.  Great, George is going to help me.  George explains that I do owe $229.00 because my plan was changed.  I get frustrated and tell George, why would I switch my bill to save money and pay more.  George agrees and tell me he will work on it.  He then says he has fixed it and my bill is $148.00.  I ask what happened to the $118.00 I was told I would be charged.  He tells me that the previous people were all wrong and insurance was not provided.  So now I'm paying the same as before and I was switched from a 12GB shared plan to a 9GB plan.  


SO, because I tried to save money, I was SCREWED out of a better plan and have spent probably a dozen hours on the phone with incompetent people.  AT&T, this is no way to run a business.  I was misled every step of the way.  I've had many friends and family have good experiences with your network, but mine has been awful.  I am absolutely sick to death with your service and am counting down the days until I can leave without losing more money than I already have.  Also, my signal is terrible. I rarely make a phone call without it dropping it.  My Mom says she doesn't have this with her iPhone so maybe the Galaxy S8 Active just isn't good.  I don't know, but I've voiced what's on my mind and I'm done.  I've given you and your service providers nearly $6,500.00 the past 2 years.  You have given me poor service and grief.  




Jon [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]


Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hi @joananderson78!

Thanks for your reaching out to us and we appreciate your continued patience in regards to your billing concern.

We apologize for the delay in responding. We know when it comes to billing matters you need an answer quickly, so we recommend contacting us via chat or voice support for faster service.

Just choose your product, and then scroll down to the chat live option for immediate support. We always want to help in forums, but there can be a delay and don't want you to have to wait!

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Yetty, AT&T Community Specialist



2 Messages

5 years ago

I was given a solution, but it was after being given multiple bad information. I just wanted to voice my frustration. I'm keeping the service until the phone is paid off and then moving along.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hello @joananderson78,

We thank you for your feedback and glad to hear you got your issue resolved. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for choosing AT&T.

Charles, AT&T Community Specialist

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