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3 Messages

Monday, August 19th, 2019 9:26 PM

AT&T Continually Charges for things I can’t use

Last Christmas (2018) my fiancé bought my an Apple Watch and I was over the moon excited. While I have a Verizon phone I was assured I could still link my watch via Bluetooth but would not be able to use data, which is perfectly fine because I always have my phone on me. 


The other month when I took a closer look at our bill, trying to figure out why the price was so high, I realized that they have been charging us for cellular AND insurance on my watch, one of which we declined and one we can’t even utilize muchless want.


We called the service line and the lady was less than helpful. She told us she would stop the charges and when I asked about refunding us the 140+ dollars she said the most she could give us was $70. I’m sorry but that’s complete theft. It would be one thing if we could use the cellular and then realized we were getting charged but I can’t even use it. To make matters even worse, we got charged for cellular and insurance AGAIN this bill. I am so beyond angry and I doubt anyone will take any personal responsibility. I don’t even know where to go from here because I doubt I’ll be a pleasant person to deal with in stores. 

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

5 years ago

@mamabear01 wrote:

Last Christmas (2018) my fiancé bought my an Apple Watch and I was over the moon excited. While I have a Verizon phone I was assured I could still link my watch via Bluetooth but would not be able to use data, which is perfectly fine because I always have my phone on me. 


The other month when I took a closer look at our bill, trying to figure out why the price was so high, I realized that they have been charging us for cellular AND insurance on my watch, one of which we declined and one we can’t even utilize muchless want.


We called the service line and the lady was less than helpful. She told us she would stop the charges and when I asked about refunding us the 140+ dollars she said the most she could give us was $70. I’m sorry but that’s complete theft. It would be one thing if we could use the cellular and then realized we were getting charged but I can’t even use it. To make matters even worse, we got charged for cellular and insurance AGAIN this bill. I am so beyond angry and I doubt anyone will take any personal responsibility. I don’t even know where to go from here because I doubt I’ll be a pleasant person to deal with in stores. 

If you have Verizon service, how did AT&T get involved?

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

5 years ago

@mamabear01 wrote:

Last Christmas (2018) my fiancé bought my an Apple Watch and I was over the moon excited. While I have a Verizon phone I was assured I could still link my watch via Bluetooth but would not be able to use data, which is perfectly fine because I always have my phone on me. 

I assume your Verizon phone is an iPhone?   Or do you mean you use Verizon for service?   If you are using AT&T ad brought your own iPhone from Verizon, it can work.  

   An iPhone is an iPhone, unless it’s an old model.   


The other month when I took a closer look at our bill, trying to figure out why the price was so high, I realized that they have been charging us for cellular AND insurance on my watch, one of which we declined and one we can’t even utilize muchless want.   She bought it from AT&T?   Well yeah it has cellular, why wouldnt it?   AT&T sells cellular devices.  And if you had an iPhone on the same account - YES it can be number synced to the Apple Watch.  But only if you have cellular service on it.  


We called the service line and the lady was less than helpful. She told us she would stop the charges and when I asked about refunding us the 140+ dollars she said the most she could give us was $70.

Sounds correct and perfectly helpful to me.  She credited back 3 months.  It was your responsibility to read the bill in a timely manner.  


I’m sorry but that’s complete theft.   No.  Your Fiance bought a cellular device and signed paperwork or agreed online to pay for a line of service.  She would have been given a number for the phone.  What did she think the phone number was for?  


It would be one thing if we could use the cellular and then realized we were getting charged but I can’t even use it.     Or can you?   Unless you have a really old iPhone or android phone, you CAN use it.  


To make matters even worse, we got charged for cellular and insurance AGAIN this bill. I am so beyond angry and I doubt anyone will take any personal responsibility. I don’t even know where to go from here because I doubt I’ll be a pleasant person to deal with in stores. 

Before you lose it, you might want to ask your Fiancé about the purchase.   She had to know what she was buying came with service.    




3 Messages

5 years ago

My fiancé has At&T. I have a Verizon iPhone. He put the watch on his plan and I was still able to use it because of Bluetooth. It’s not on my own plan because it was a gift that he wanted to pay for. 



3 Messages

5 years ago

Okay let me clear some things up. I cannot use my watch without my phone being connected via Bluetooth. My phone is a Verizon iPhone and the watch is AT&T therefore it cannot have its own number that works because they are two separate companies. The lady SAID she would refund a certain amount but never did, she never credited our account with anything, and obviously never took the charges off the monthly bill. I was there when he bought the watch, I was there when the employee asked us if we wanted insurance, we said no. I was there when he asked if we’d like to pay $10 a month for its own number (aka cellular) and we said no because my phone is not At&T, therefore the watch is a WiFi Watch. That information came straight from the sales employee and I saw the paperwork before it was signed, yet they still charged USB’s for months. Does that clear things up? 



561 Messages

5 years ago

He should have purchased a GPS-only model directly from Apple.

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

5 years ago

He put the watch on his plan

I don’t know how you can complain about being charged when he knowingly put the watch on his plan. Of course he got charged. ATT doesn’t care whether the service is used or not. He could have cancelled it at anytime. If he is paying for the watch on a payment plan, it must have service. The only real complaint you’ve got, in my opinion, is the insurance if he did not add it and did not know it was being charged. That is why one should always review their bills, especially after plan or device changes. That should have been caught months ago.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

5 years ago

@mamabear01 wrote:

Okay let me clear some things up. I cannot use my watch without my phone being connected via Bluetooth. My phone is a Verizon iPhone and the watch is AT&T. That explains why you can’t use is with cellular as designed.  


therefore it cannot have its own number that works because they are two separate companies.   Well, yes it can have it’s own number, it just can’t work as designed, which is to spoof your number.  But that is what your fiancé bought, and it’s not possible she didn’t know that’s what she bought as she would have been given a phone number and everything.  Could NOT have missed it.  


The lady SAID she would refund a certain amount but never did, she never credited our account with anything, and obviously never took the charges off the monthly bill.  Whats the timeline?   Check the dates of your call, vs the bill dates.  Bills are sent 3 weeks before they are due.  

Credits would show on the next bill, and lines are canceled as of the end of the bill cycle.  Not retroactively, can’t reverse time.   


I was there when he bought the watch, I was there when the employee asked us if we wanted insurance, we said no.   Are you now adding details, or changing the story?   Now neither of you can say you didn’t know a line was added, because it was in the paper work that he signed.  


I was there when he asked if we’d like to pay $10 a month for its own number (aka cellular) and we said no because my phone is not At&T, therefore the watch is a WiFi Watch.  And that’s not possible.  AT&T does not sell the non cellular model.  If you buy from AT&T you are buying service, not just equipment.  

That information came straight from the sales employee and I saw the paperwork before it was signed, yet they still charged USB’s for months. Does that clear things up?   Nope.



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