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10 Messages

Monday, June 3rd, 2024 4:50 PM

AT&T drops the ball on customer

Hello there, This is the third time I have waited on a manager to call back to resolve this issue...  I just acquired AT&T and am a newer customer...  I used to work for AT&T back in 1998 so I have a good grasp on how they tend to operate.  That being said, I signed up and sat through 3 different orders to finally get my cell phone started up.  Upon all this confusion, one of the orders that were canceled somehow sent out an extra cell phone to my residence unbeknownst to me...  The cell pho e was recovered and I made my way to the AT&T Corporate store to deliver the phone back.  After an hour and a half wait ti.e there I asked the manager if I could drop it off and leave and she said she would not be able to take the phone without me waiting for who k ows how much longer... She directed me to call the 800 number to get the phone mailed in instead and said i could do so at "my leisure."  We finally got the box and mailed the phone back and it arrived in Irving Texas to a Mohamed in Recieving Docks.  All that being said, I recieved an update on my regular 120 dollar per month AT&T bill and it showed I owe now 1500+ dollars for a phone not recieved... I have the tracking # and all my information showing that phone is now received by AT&T...  I have waited for 3 different managers to call back from AT&T and the "Back Office" of AT&T actually did an investigation on this missing phone apparently and came to the conclusion that I did not return the phone fast enough and am now responsible for 1500+ dollars in charges for the phone they got back... And also, to top it all off... there is no logistics in getting the cell phone back in our possession if we were to pay AT&T 1500+dollars... I mean you gotta be joking... I ha e done everything in my ability to handle this situation/issue at the lowest level in AT&T possible.  And of course they don't list any Corporate phone numbers for you to contact someone who knows how to fix this issue.  Totally unacceptable!  My name is Jeff Newman and my email is [email scrubbed] and cell phone is xxx-xxx-xxxx...  Please feel free to contact if you have any idea how to resolve this.  I would strongly advise staying out of the clutches of AT&T, and sign up with Cricket or another service that still uses the AT&T towers for service!  Just a friendly reminder... You guys take care, and thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

1 month ago

the "Back Office" of AT&T actually did an investigation on this missing phone apparently and came to the conclusion that I did not return the phone fast enough and am now responsible for 1500+ dollars in charges for the phone they got back

How long did you keep the phone before sending it back?

10 Messages

1 month ago

I returned it in time to the AT&T Corporate office... The manager said we could "just turn it in at your convenience" and call the 800# for a box to send it back... We waited on the box and maybe a few extra days went by before the phone was recieved by Mohamed in Recieving Docks...  I would have been more quick had I known there was a deadline on returning a phone that was accidentally sent out to begin with... Not my mistake, it's AT&Ts obvious mistake... and someone from the Corporate Office should reach out to resolve this issue... 1500+ dollar bill for a phone they recieved back and I even asked... Well if I pay the bill will I get the phone back?  it's only right to recieve the phone I'm being forced to pay for... the answer was "no sir" that's a penalty fee for returning the phone late... Should have never told me to turn it in at my convenience like it wasn't a big deal!  It was AT&Ts fault in the first place entirely!

10 Messages

1 month ago

The phone was mailed back as it was recieved.... Brand new in the sealed box.  There is No reason for this

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

1 month ago

How long did you keep the phone before sending it back?

Community Support


232.9K Messages

1 month ago

Hello @newmandaze, we hear you and understand the importance your order. Let's get the help you need!

The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs.   This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns.  To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact Us page (https://www.att.com/support/contact-us/), and choose the best option to reach out to us.  You can call, chat, or reach out via social media and we can review your specific issue and provide you support.  If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you for contacting AT&T Community & Forums,

Ken, AT&T Community Specialist


10 Messages

1 month ago

Probably a week or more?  They haven't told me... But you fail to see the point I think... She said we could return the phone at our convenience... It was found in my Dads mini storage after he moved out... brand new and sealed in the box... She should not have said at "your convenience" if there was a time alotted schedule to get the phone back by... Do you see where I'm coming from?

10 Messages

1 month ago

Do you also understand that AT&T made a mistake mailing the phone on a canceled order.  I repeat the phone was canceled and I was on vacation while my Dad moved out... not even at home... We're lucky to have even found it in the first place and nice enough to return it... This is totally unacceptable behavior... Because it was a bit late... give me a break... then they want me to pay 1500+ dollars on a phone and they won't even give it back to me to let me keep it for the 1500 dollars... that's crazy!

10 Messages

1 month ago

Message to:: Ken From AT&T Community Support Specialist...

I'm currently 100% disabled veteran from the Air Force and not too sure where I need to navigate to find the help I need... i tried!  what do you do for someone in my situation?  The generic info. page you gave me doesn't really help at all?  Thanks so much for understanding... Sincerely, Jeff Newman

10 Messages

1 month ago

A simple call back or phone number to explain what's going on would be helpful... I've been getting the generic run around now for over a week!  go here, click there, we'll call ya back and they haven't yet... 3 Times now the supervision from your call center has not called back about this problem!  Ken, what do you suppose I do as a disabled vet. that is confused about this whole process?  your info. was so generic it got me no where... now what must I do?  thanks again... Jeff Newman!

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

1 month ago

File a BBB complaint and you'll get escalated. They might actually expect details, though, so try not to avoid their questions like you did mine. 

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