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5 Messages

Tuesday, May 1st, 2018 8:53 PM

Excessive Data Overage Charges

I have been charged in excessive of $952 in data overages for a tablet on my account for usage on bills from 2/18/18 - 3/17/18 & 3/18/18 - 4/17/18.  There are multiple layers to this problem and I am having a hard time after many days, hours and over 12 agents across different departments I’ve spoke to, no one has been able to sort this out or satisfy my questions.  First off, I made many attempts on the At&t app on my iphone to change this tablet to unlimited data, which is $20 per month before the date of 3/2/18.  With many faild attempts I should have called and that is where I failed.  However, on 3/6/18 I went online on my home computer and successfully changed the tablet to the unlimited data plan.  I specifically did this because we were going on vacation and I did not know if there would be wifi available at all times.  I can see this done in my browser history on my computer.  Some backstory, this tablet went unused for nearly 2 years I believe and has only recently been used by my child.  We use it primarily at home and on At&t wifi.  She is mostly using this on kid games and kid YouTube.  So once I changed this to unlimited I never had a second thought about it.  That is until I got the bill for March, which had an overage of nearly $300.  I began looking st my detailed bill and can see overage charges periodically beginning at about 2/24 through the last day of the cycle.  I had never received one notice about any overage at all or being charged any overage.  I have since learned the notice of overage and the $15 additional 1GB charge notices were being sent to the tablet device.  A child who cannot read and who uses this tablet certainly cannot say hey mom I’m going over data!  Sometimes there were 3 and 4 chagres for additional data within a matter of hours.  I find many problems with this scenario.  1. Why would there not be a notice sent to the main phone of the occurance, or to the email... something! 2. How could att system allow overages of this magnitude to accrue, seems a very simple solution could be put into place to avoid a big problem from this, or a cap out.. something!  I have come to see now, on the main screen of the tablet a tiney tiny blue box of sorts with a even tiner “94” showing on it, this is a messages folder I have found.  Guess what the 94 messages are......!!!! You guessed it, beginning from 2/24/18 these are messages that have collected to notify of the overage and additional data being added for the $15.  This seems very ill placed and unnoticeable!!! 

Now from these messages, I researched and found that on 3/27/18 at 1:02pm, the last notice was received stating all of additional data added had been used.  With that, one would think that would be the date and time of the last additional data added charge.  However it was not!! I was actually charged an additional 22 times of $15 for added data but not one other notice was sent to state data had been used or extra was being added for a charge.  This was confirmed by a supervisor named Hector on 4/24/18.  At that time he assured me he was taking responsibility for this discrepancy and would be crediting my account with $255.  He said it would be about 2 days for it to show up.  I waited extra time and that credit was never applied by Hector as he gave me his word.  It was unsettling during that phone call that I had to argue and be stern just for him to actually pull up himself and review what I was saying.  But not only that, it was unsettling that he did not care one bit about any of the other excess data charges.  I was told notice was given on the rest and they were valid.  No empathy or compassion.  By the time of this call also, the next bill had cycled to be due so my account had a balance in excess of $1700.  For 2 months.  My normal bill is around $240.  This was more than a shock and frustrating to get no help.  How can you charge so much and in an extenuating circumstance yet offer no real assistance to help your customer with this.  To allow the charges is beyond ridiculous but then to offer no assistance when the customer is trying to work with you and make it right.  Since the second bill was already due, that showed me now as past due with zero options. 

After the credit from Hector did not show up, I paid a partial payment.  I called back and spoke with Daniel on 4/30/18 who was extremely helpful and was able to extend me a credit but did all that he could do.  Then transferrig me to try to get Hector back to rectify the initial credit I got disconnected.  I have sense spoke with 8 people today all of which none have been able to offer help or transfer me to anyone who can.  I was told lastly by Jose in retention dept, I did not deserve another credit and he would not gove me the one I was owed by Hector since I received one already from Daniel.  He questioned me very hard about why Daniel gave me a credit and why he didn’t offer it to include the first amount.  As I understood from Daniel he did all HE could do, not that took the place of the first or that I wouldn’t be helped further.  I am beyond frustrated that I have not been taken seriously and that I have been lied to and a supervisor can just get away with not upholding his word and that means nothing to them.  I believe the servie will be suspended tonight or tomorrow sometime and am not sure at this point I dont want to cancel all together anyway.  Hoping soneone here can offer insight or provide me a route to escelate further. 

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

6 years ago

You never addressed the most confusing thing: If you were on unlimited, why were you getting overages?

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

The tablet is in your control.  Turn off cellular on the device, pull the SIM card or turn off in your My ATT account.  

I don’t know of any way for a tablet to be on a solo unlimited plan.   Since it didn’t work, I don’t know what you actually did.

After one month with overages, why on earth didn’t you do something?  (Back to the 3 suggestions above)



5 Messages

6 years ago

I have wireless unlimited already with cellphones. It is $20 per month for
adding a tablet to unlimited plan. Corrext it is in my control but when I
changes it to unlimited I had no reason to question that. When I got the
bill I was then very shocked. As I have made changes to my plan, including
data changes many times without issue.



5 Messages

6 years ago

I do not know and they are nr caring enough to look at this further. No one
even has asked a question or said they would investigate futher the fact
that I hanged it from 1GB To unlimited on 3/6/18, they just say they have
no record. No option or offer to help.



5 Messages

6 years ago

I began to research the bill and called to figure out what was going but it
was unfortunately not until after the due date that I noticed. We had come
back from vacation and I wasn’t concerned. The first time I spoke with
someone was via chat and I was transferred to a supervisor, I was told the
overage charges were valid and there was nothing they could do for me
because the bill was already due. I have screenshots of this
conversation. This supervisor made me very upset with saying they were
done helping me after they extended the payment due date to 4/30/18. With
all of the shock and trying to figure out what was going on I never thought
about overage charges continuing from after the date of the last bill.
Also, this supervisor never made a bit of effort to help further by
posdating the change in data to unlimited. Because I was accruing in the
2nd bill by then, which had not cycled yet they could have done something
at that time to my understanding now. Yet, here I am.



5 Messages

6 years ago

The date I chatted with the supervisor about the first bill was 4/9/18, the
day after the due date. From that date, there were 42 more overage charges
of $15 each for an additional 1GB, from date of bill we discussed (3/17/18)
to 4/9/18. So at the time this supervisor changed the data plan to
unlimited, they should have also backdated that change effectively to the
bill start date of 3/18/18?? Is this correct?? Therefore would have been
removing an additional $630 on the date we spoke of 4/9/18. Or rather the
system would have reversed this because of the change to unlimited before
bill printed. This is because my bill had yet to cycle until 4/17. I had
no clue that is not something that would automatically happen at the time.
I am realizing all of this as I type right now and it’s very sad that if I
had been able to talk with someone who would actually take the matter
seriously and not try to get rid of my phone call this could be properly
investigated. There is so mucb wrong here and I don’t know where to turn.
I have my evidence but now what??? So confused!



4 Messages

6 years ago

After years, for the last two months and I have been getting notices that I have used all my data.  Several of my friends have also started getting these notices.  Today is the 1st and my phone says I have used 1/3 of my monthly data.  I have been on home wifi all day and have not really done anything on my phone today.  I think we are being scammed by ATT.  Also, their customer service department is beyond poor.  You get someone in another country who doesn't know what they are talking about and then when you finally convince them to transfer you, you get cut off.  I know I do, every single time.  I'm about sick of ATT.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

The second part of the post is sadly true. I have a phone on Verizon and my family on ATT. Neither carrier has a US call center answering the phone.  If I can’t understand the rep, I hang up and try again.  I have a list of general deficiencies that I read in the forum too often.  Things they could fix.

@seefishn wrote:

After years, for the last two months and I have been getting notices that I have used all my data.  Several of my friends have also started getting these notices.  Today is the 1st and my phone says I have used 1/3 of my monthly data.  I have been on home wifi all day and have not really done anything on my phone today.  I think we are being scammed by ATT.  Also, their customer service department is beyond poor.  You get someone in another country who doesn't know what they are talking about and then when you finally convince them to transfer you, you get cut off.  I know I do, every single time.  I'm about sick of ATT.

Now to address data concern.  This is not under ATT (or any other carriers) control.  You and your phones are 100% in control and responsible for data usage.  The simplest way to tell is if your phones data meter and ATT match within a few or so MBs in a bill cycle.  Your phone tracks usage independently from ATT.  If yourvph9ne and ATt are close, you used the data.  Unless ATT reports a lot more, you have no leg to stand on.  

This doesn’t rule out a faulty phone.  

Data use is delayed up to 3 days, so you being on Wifi now does not mean data used 2 days ago didn’t just post on your account.    Data reporting usually looks “upside down”. More reports and is posted at night when we are home, on Wifi or asleep.   

     When is your bill cycle?  Mine ends on the 17th.  My android phone is set to that date and it tracks all use by app.  See photo.

     iPhones have to be reset with each bill cycle. Take screen shots on the last day and reset each renewal day.  

Last note:  our smartphones are not designed to use less data.  Each update that makes apps work better and phones run efficiently do so because they use data.  Bigger screen use more data than small ones.  Wait till 5G and 5g phones.  It’s gonna go up again, just like when LTE went up.  






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