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DomDomsome234's profile

11 Messages

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 7:06 PM

Fraud Case problems with ATT

After reading a bunch of the forums and other peoples complaints, I am honestly scared. I have read that the complaints are not answered in time and that there are no priorities given at all. I have my claim confirmation number and I have done everything. I am aware that I will get a reply to call the global Fraud number but that is useless. No one answers there and then a random employee answers that can’t even look up my claim number. I have done it all, I have also filled out the forms and done what you suggest in other posts. 

I have a claim number 240507-000427 and I am at the end of what I can do. 

I would really appreciate someone to help me from the global fraud department. This is very important and ATT seems to not care. I don’t want to make a big deal out of this, just need a little hand. I understand you are busy and have a large work load. I am very understanding. I hope what’s written here in other forums is not true and someone will help me. I thank you in advance. Thank you. 

Can you please tell me what is going on with my claim? 240507-000427 This is the REF NUMBER. 

Thank you

11 Messages

1 month ago

On another post someone from ATT was guiding the writer to the top left or right corner to open a message app for a private conversation. How can I do that so I can give you all of my personal details? I have done everything now, I have called and called the global team, I have filled out the forms you suggested and still nothing. No employee can help me when it comes to my claim. I have my REF number and I just want to know what the status is as someone said that you don‘t even look at the complaints. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

1 month ago

That's how forums work.   I mean, what else would it be for? Just to tell people everything was hunky dory??

This is also only customer populated. The only response you'll get from AT&t is not going to be from the fraud department. It will just be information on how to contact AT&t, which you probably already know since you have already contacted AT&t and have called the fraud department. Contact us link is at the bottom of this web Page in case you have not tried them all. 

For the most part, those of us who are here on this forum on the regular are not busy and don't have that much to do. Most of us are retired people who just know how to use the website and have been around the block a few times. 

If you told us a little bit more about your case, we might be able to tell you where and how to escalate the situation. Any history on the case, for example, if it's already been dismissed once. A timeline of events, and anything else relevant to the situation 

I do know that AT&t is notoriously slow. So it's not unusual for a case to take a month or two to resolve.

I can tell you that you can foul things up big time by not paying your bill every month on time as usual.  

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

1 month ago

Did someone fraudulently open an account or purchase a phone using your credit card?

Community Support


232.9K Messages

1 month ago

Hi @DomDomsome234, we understand your situation and want to help. Let's guide you in the right direction to get the update you need. We understand that you tried every way to track your fraud claim. However, the only way to proceed further is by connecting with the fraud team by using this ⁠link. If you still need further help, follow the below steps. 

The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs. This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns. To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact Us page, and choose the best option to reach out to us. You can call, chat, or reach out via social media and we can review your specific issue and provide you support. If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help.


Thank you for visiting AT&T Community Forums. 

CrystalS AT&T Community Forums Specialist.          

11 Messages

1 month ago

Oh I am so happy to see two replies. That means I am not alone in this. 

My problem: My identity was stolen and someone opened a phone account in my name with my social and I only noticed when a collector called me and told me the phone number the bill is connected to. I have never been with ATT always with others (Nothing against ATT) But once I heard ATT I was shocked and once told the number I checked online if I could get any names or info but nothing is showing up. I filed a police report, am in contact with the collector who understands my problem and is waiting on ATT reply now. I have submitted my claim with the global fraud team and have my ref number. 

After reading all the replies on other post I can already tell the ATT rep just copy/pasted the answer here and entered my name at the top. Probably did not even read my message. 

Should I file with the BBB a complaint and just keep calling ATT? If I call the global fraud number eventually someone will pick up but they can’t even check the CLAIM STATUS for me. 

I had no idea ATT is one of the only ones that’s this bad. Some say that ATT is the worst when it comes to fraud. 

I simply want to know the status of my claim. I provided the REF Number and got a Copy/paste reply from them which was expected. 

ATT I am asking you to please write me in private and or call me I have already done all those steps many times and its a wonder I found this forum with all these people that are in the same bind as myself. 

I thank you two for taking the time to reply to my post. I was not expecting any reply to be honest. I do feel a little better now that I know I am not alone although I hate to know that you are or were in the same situation as I am. 

Thanks so much I will be checking back shortly. God Bless Dom

11 Messages

1 month ago

Also, ATT rep! The „Contact US“ link you gave me took another half hour of my day once more because these are reps that CANNOT check REF numbers for the claims. They don‘t even know what I am talkin about. They are clueless. I want to speak to someone from the so called „Global FRAUD TEAM“ or whatever you call it. This is impacting someone’s livelihood how can you not take this serious. Please help me out. Thanks 

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

1 month ago

@DomDomsome234  Being as you're a victim of identity theft, did you do this, with the exception of calling the AT&T Fraud Department, which has its own set of issues:

1. File a police report for identity theft if applicable.

2. File a fraud report with AT&T if applicable.

3. Notify your credit card companies.

4. Call Experian and request a credit freeze. That should also take care of TransUnion and Equifax as well. Keep in mind that Experian also had a security breach a few years ago which affected about 15 million customers.

5. Change all of your passwords on ALL of your accounts using strong passwords which are different from each other and use 2FA (two factor authorization if offered).

6. Dispute any charges that you don't recognize.

7. Start monitoring all of your accounts on a weekly basis for any suspicious activity.

8. Change your email to a new account and provider. Gmail is ok but I'd look for a separate email service for at least your important accounts.

Given the magnitude of the data breach, it could just be taking the fraud department a long time to process complaints. However, there is very little that they can do at this point in time but offer you the free, one-year Experian ID protection plan. Your info can not be removed entirely from the dark web. 

Your other option is to file an online complaint with the BBB. That will be forwarded directly to AT&T Upper Management and someone will contact. you. They MAY be able to help, and at least you'll be talking directly with a Senior Manager who has more resources and responsibilities so it's worth a try. That's as high up in AT&T that a customer can go. Just have all of your documentation on hand.

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

1 month ago


AT&T will NOT write you in private, call you, or anything else beyond telling you to contact them through normal channels. This is a public forum. AT&T does not provide account specific help here, only somewhat general guidance which is mostly telling you to use the "Contact Us" link for official contact options.

To take your situation further would be you filing a BBB complaint. Those get forwarded to upper management. This usually results in you getting contact from their Office of the President within a few business days. Though I wouldn't be surprised if a little longer as they are fielding all the fallout from their associate's data breach.

Call AT&T or file a BBB complaint. You will not get them reaching out to you from a public forum.

11 Messages

1 month ago

thanks for the replies. And yes, I have done all of that. Everything you listed. All done. Contacted ATT over and over again, call after call to the Global Fraud Team, filled out forms and other things. I submitted my claim first of course. 

I have now filed a complaint with the BBB and explained what is going on.

I have a large social media presence and I am wondering If I should share this with my viewers. I am however very careful with that as I want to give ATT the chance to make this right and now have thousands of people send complaints and/or messages voicing their opinion. 

I must say that I am angry/ frustrated but maybe that’s normal when you go through identity theft. 

All I want is for someone from ATT to assure me that they hear me, that they are there for me and workin on my claim. I don‘t even care if it takes longer. 

But there is nothing. The phone people are rude and even Hang up on me. I am at a loss. 

I will wait for now and see what happens, I didn’t even want to submit a complaint with the BBB. But this is serious and I can justify doing so as I tried hard to contact someone with ATT. 

I am thankful for the replies and the info you guys share. That’s so much appreciated. 

Former Employee


2.8K Messages

1 month ago

People that feel the need to say they have a large social media presence……

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