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13 Messages

Friday, June 2nd, 2017 12:16 AM

Fraud on AT&T not frowned upon after all it may be stolen money they are customers CSR Said

I will get to my issue for calling in after but to start when I called in I was calling to report a fraudulent charge but your rep was something I have truly never seen before.


First Off

Name redacted

Phone number I called in from



Ok, had that feeling you get when you know you are about to hit an india based call center only get the normal tier one run around.  It does not always happen however this time....truly the worst and reminded why I depart ATT many years ago and therefor recorded the phone call on my web came with the normal timer.  I am angry right now so want to post the video showing your customer service agents truly as they behave when no one is looking but that is anger.  I don't care what company policy is over complaints, find the phone call and listed to it.


Initially wait time was 2 minutes.....I kept hearing the phone pickup, typing the silence but what threw me off was silence in the  background.  Most floor bound cs employees you will never hear that.    So told 2 minute wait time, this guy finally answers the phone maybe 20 minutes later and there is that silence again.....I finally  yelled out hello and it was pretty loud...."oh there is someone there"  what is your account number.......I don't have one..  If you don't have one sir how am I to help.  THE PROBLEM....less than 30 minutes prior I get a notice on my phone that charge was declined for ATT in the amount of $869 however it was declined.  I order a ton of wholesale from overseas and am glad to see the system finally caught a fraudulent purchase....not just the legit ones where I have to call in.  I get the SMS notice and call in to do the song and dance about fraudulent charge and having yours disabled and you will be without one.  Typically yeah this stuff does happen and there isn't much you can do about it.  That is when the realization came to play, I have most of my liquid assets tied up in large PO's this card primary being reservied with the open balance for vacation.  I have money in savings and other options but some of those options have fee's involved.  So some guy out there just decided he needed $870 in services but the transaction was run once, denied and re-run without leaving any ghost transaction for the one being denied.....have never seen this before.


Moving forward.....your rep was asked one simple thing....I NEVER asked for the scammer's info, I merely asked to be put into billing and have billing launch a ticket to see if the guys TV/PHONE or whatever could be disabled, there was already flag for the fraud on that purchase and if they are using the billing system I believe they are then it would have already appeared within  a quick refresh.  He couldn't ddo that....WOULD not transfers me to anyone else, he was customer service as he said and his job was to make customers happy.....I asked what is a customer.....someone apparently he provides service too....you mean someone who pays you....yes......well you have my money  "IF YOU WILL NOT LISTEN I WILL NOT TALK".  I have nephews that are at a tender age in life.....bicker is part of it but I have to play ref.  I have seem many temper tantrums in my life.....this guy was on the phone and I could here still typing but wouldn't say anything other then.....oh you're there when I spoke loudly into the mic.  That was followed by 5 minutes of music.....a quick 3 minutes of silence on speaker phone, me telling him I had him on webcam for youtube so when I wrote the office of exec relations I could reference that....more music on hold, just ended putting the phone across my desk and getting back to paper.  Roughly 10 minutes when he answers he mumbles something to the effect "he won't be there", still in business mode just a reaction "still on the line but feel free to continue pouting as I doing paperwork and will be here a while longer.  He would listen and put me back to music several more times before in a very faint voice I heard him say do you have the number.......maybe he is done pouting I thought....good we worked through it he is now transferring me to tier 2.  Well after all that time no Tier 2....I was met with number that had been disconnected for opening new service.


AT&T here is my problem with you and your support system....there was none many years ago, I still remember the VP I spoke with in Atlanta having me so furious there was simply no way I would pay someone to be treated that way which was very similar to tonight but at least he was lawyer like in response....ge showed a little respect.


I do not want the guys  information who stole my card numbers......I have to repeat that since your other employees couldn't grasp that though....I do not want his info.  The scammer knows how to play the system but this one isn't thr brightest as he didn't do a $1 verification which is the norm (I'm in IT and we see it all the time)


The problem I really have is I am inconvenience but GOD forbid you want to inconvenience someone who has problem paying their own bills in the name of their rights and their customer service.  Vacation hit some ripples that can be worked out but I will pay a little out of pocket...it's life.  Card is taken care of, ,no big deal.


The thought I am left with.....and scammers you probably already know this about AT&T is they know you have a huge window for fraud....you already know and they already know the numbers they must stay below to keep special agents off there back. Criminals can be very smart when they are allowed to but to knowingly not transfer a complaint to billing to even make not of it is bad ethics.  To give someone  the hold of death....childish..... and to believe because they aren't your customers there is no need to provide customer service is beyond me.  I learned a long time ago customer service is everyones job from the top to the bottom you lead by example and customers will gravitate towards being appreciated.  Had thought about even maybe the AT&T option at the end of the mont, just signed up for TMOBILE and have counted the days till my prepaid is over...17 left they are terrible but your service seemed to have gone up. I would rather pay more and get less speed from Verizon than pay less and know at the end of the day there is no support on the client side.....that is unless you are paying with Fraud and Felonys but that is another story.


This CS needs to go, before you go into a song and dance about policy not allowing you to tell me the outcome I really don't care.  The outcome will speek for itself, people who act this this didn't start on my call so if you want to lose customers that's on you and he made it clear I am not your customer.


For the love of God though at least get my burned card and turn the account off.  Nothing will be done to him a criminal level but your fraud department should at least inconvenience them the way they do to others.


Never thought I would see cs get this bad until today...


Does your office of exec still exist, I actually have it down as Cingular Office of Exec but thinking you guys may still operate in the same building?

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

1.  If your identity is used to open an account, its identity theft and needs to be reported to the police.  

2.  ATT is also a victim 


ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

7 years ago

Based on what I saw, your credit card info was stolen, correct? It was kind of hard to follow your ranting. 


If so, you dispute the charge with the bank. That's it. 


It's not your business how AT&T handles another customer's account. When they get the chargeback from your credit card, they will likely suspend the other guy's service, but if they don't want to, that's up to them. All you can do is take care of your business, i.e. your credit card. 



13 Messages

7 years ago

It is not business how ATT handles the account information.....correct and you sound like the guy on customer service.

I don't care how they handle their own issues


I care when, as you said, my info.....charged was flagged.....and they provide a service inconveniencing me instead of inconveniencing the fraudulent customer.  If they did there job they would at least have to suspend the account pending a call to individual asking why it was flagged and to ask to get it removed.


Or if they had a brain it would always look weird to run a large transaction on a card over the $750 threshold where the bill to and ship to are different and there is no reference to the bill to at the ship to address....right?



13 Messages

7 years ago

ranting....you weren't on that call last night...I was mad....I was literally off my rocker by the end of it

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

7 years ago

@WipedOut wrote:

It is not business how ATT handles the account information.....correct and you sound like the guy on customer service.


That should  be a clue!


AT&T is not going to do anything to another customer's account because you said so. For all they know, you are the fraudster trying to screw with someone else. 


There's no reason to get upset or talk further with AT&T about this. Deal with your credit card company; it is their job to take care of you in this situation. 



13 Messages

7 years ago

I can see this conversation would be like beating a dead horse into pulling a carriage but simply put and as you stated I have no right to call AT&T and that would also mean you have zero right speak on their behalf.  I have cooled down, bank gave me a temp card today and really went above and beyond.  


Last thought....


Every company will have growing pains and allow customer service the chance to see issues and fix them or ignore them.  I have personally never worked for a company that would disregard such an issue without at least stating they would open a ticket to see if any facts were present with it.  I never wanted the guys name or info, just to make sure he couldn't watch close to 870 in porno and special events...  Reality....nothing will happen to him however ATT will end up eating a chargeback fee and I can only hope at some point when a rolling reserve increase is announced and  in that the short time it will take to fill the said amount will allow  will give the security department a brief period to rethink strategy for the annual investment briefing.  Hypo though...nah.....but your response actually disturbed me.  


Have a good weekend bro, hope no one steals your card


ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

7 years ago

@WipedOut Glad your card company took care of you and glad all is being worked out but let me throw just one more tidbit out there. You seem to want to fault ATT for not taking any action but you don't seem to realize that now that your charges have been denied by your credit card, ATT is actually the one who has been victimized. Someone ultimately got service that was not paid for. I hope you can understand why ATT was not able to take action on someone else's account. Sounds like a lot of frustration could have been avoided by just dealing with your credit card company.



3 Messages

7 years ago

I hear you bro!! Been with 20 years never had problem..this year there service changed for the worse!! I pay a installment fee $26 to upgrade put it this way it's three months later I've been charged three installments e how to be on the phone 12 hours to finally get credit back for two of them and now for keeping the $26 and not allowing me to get the phone now because last week I got a little crack on it first of all there wouldn't have been a crack on it if I would have got my phone 3 months ago when they said it would only be a couple weeks now they can't find a tracking number all they could see if they took my money they're really good at taking my money but really bad at giving good customer service I'm done with AT&T after 20 years I have the money to upgrade but that money is going to pay off the phone and go elsewhere take my Uverse everything out of here poor customer service shame on you AT&T
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