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7 Messages

Thursday, January 26th, 2017 9:40 PM


I upgraded from a fully-paid iPhone 6 (off contract) to an iPhone 7.  At the store, they told me they only had 256 GB's in stock, so I went with that because they promised me the $600 or $650 promotion, from pre-Sep 26, 2016.  I have all my receipts.  I left the store with the $850 phone and NO cash back for the phone I traded in.  I patiently waited 3 months for my statement credit (~$28) and now AT&T is telling me I never really qualified and I have to go back to the store.  I do not want to go back to the store and fight with them.  I gave them a perfectly good phone, and got NOTHING in return, and I have the paperwork to prove it.  The people on the main AT&T line keep telling me they will put me on with a manager and I stay on hold forever.  Or they put me into Young America Promotions and they never pick up.  If the store lied to me the first time they will clearly not be interested in helping me this time, or they will promise me something again and I will wait another 3 months at which time it will be ancient history.  What am I supposed to do ?  Someone please help we are talking ALOT of money here.  PS - I have a total of 4 iPhones and 2 LTE ipads so I pay them a lot of money per month.

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago


A few questions before making suggestions (suggestions are generally based on the answers you give):

1. What model iPhone did you trade in? iPhone 6
2. Your purchased your iPhone 7 specifically what date? (or order date)
3. You turned off Find My iPhone?
4. The turned in iPhone was definitely 100% paid off? YES
5. You purchased the new iPhone on Next? 
6. You haven't been late for any of your payments since you purchased?
7. You turned the old iPhone in at the AT&T store or in the mail?  (sounds like store, but I'm not going to assume).
8. What date did you turn in (or mail) the old iPhone?
9. Your receipt for turning it in said $0.00 for the trade in?
10. You removed the 4-digit passcode from the iPhone?
11. What condition was the turned in iPhone?





2 Messages

7 years ago

I'm in the same boat as you, gave them a like new iPhone 6 and got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in return. The "research" team is reviewing my case, so who knows how long I have to fight for the credit. Keep calling, don't let them get away with this, it's basically fraud!



7 Messages

7 years ago

i have a trade in receipt showing I received ZERO dollars for the trade in, AND the receipt says I was to be given the promotion.  made 4 payments so far and received no monthly stmt credit.  to the other guy's questions above, my answers are in all cases the "good" answer... ie I have the tracking # for the phone being delivered back to AT&T, i wasnt late, phone was perfect, etc etc. I agree with second poster, if I leave a store with a piece of paper saying I am getting $650, and I acted on that promise and bought a phone, and they don't give me the money, that is NO DIFFERENT than 100% complete fraud.  

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

7 years ago

$0 for your trade in is exactly what you are supposed to get for this promotion, so that is actually a good thing. Did you reset your old phone to factory settings, turn off "find my iPhone" and remove the iCloud lock? Not doing any of those can cause problems with the credit.



7 Messages

7 years ago

no, wrong.  i was supposed to get $28 a month for 24 months, which did not start when it was supposed to start, not zero. other questions, yes, did all that.  store manager watched me do it.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

@haveaproblem444 wrote:

I upgraded from a fully-paid iPhone 6 (off contract) to an iPhone 7.  At the store, they told me they only had 256 GB's in stock, so I went with that because they promised me the $600 or $650 promotion, from pre-Sep 26, 2016.  I have all my receipts.  I left the store with the $850 phone and NO cash back for the phone I traded in.  I patiently waited 3 months for my statement credit (~$28) and now AT&T is telling me I never really qualified and I have to go back to the store.  I do not want to go back to the store and fight with them.  I gave them a perfectly good phone, and got NOTHING in return, and I have the paperwork to prove it.  The people on the main AT&T line keep telling me they will put me on with a manager and I stay on hold forever.  Or they put me into Young America Promotions and they never pick up.  If the store lied to me the first time they will clearly not be interested in helping me this time, or they will promise me something again and I will wait another 3 months at which time it will be ancient history.  What am I supposed to do ?  Someone please help we are talking ALOT of money here.  PS - I have a total of 4 iPhones and 2 LTE ipads so I pay them a lot of money per month.

If I'm reading this right, you purchased the iPhone 7 AFTER 9/25.   If that promotion was over, you could not get that promotion.  Period.   If you were told otherwise, it was a lie.   A salesman in the store has no right or authority to offer a promotional offer when it expired.  

Unless you have proof of this lie, in writing or something, you have no leg to atndnon and ATT does not have to honor a "he said , she said".  

The salesman then got you to trade in  the iPhone 6.  Out of the promotion, it has a trade in value of maybe $150 - $200 at most.  That is all you will get.  


This is a lesson for next time.  All carrier (T-mobile, sprint and ATT employees are publically  reporting abusive tactics) push sales goals on employees, which puts customers in the cross hairs.   You need to know the offers and know they cannot be extended, altered or substituted.  


Your immediate and only recourse is to report the lying sales rep to ATT and hope they throw you a bone.  Take it.  Unless you have documentation supporting your claim, you have no leg to stand on in a dispute.  

You can message ATT through the forum here. >> @ATTMobilityCare.   


@Gary L   You took this promotion.  Did your receipt say anything about the $650 fall trade in promotion?  From the General buzz, I thought the only indication was the $0 trade in on the first receipt, then about $150 trade in value sent in a message later.   

Can you fill in how it worked for you?







7 Messages

7 years ago

Hi, appreciate your thoughts but the ENTIRE point is that (as I mention above), I left with a printed receipt saying I was eligible for and would receive the $650 promtion.   I have it in writing.  Further proof is that I was NOT given $150 or whatever for the trade in.  You don't get the $650 AND the $150.  Since I was getting the $650, I did not get the $150.  This as much I have said above.  I dont know or care what ended or when something ended or didn't end.  It is not my responsibility to know that.  It is my responsibility to rely on what a person is saying, as an agent of AT&T, and verify it in writing.  Since I have it in writing, I am going to pursue this with them.  End of story.  


ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago

@lizdance40 wrote:

@Gary L   You took this promotion.  Did your receipt say anything about the $650 fall trade in promotion?  From the General buzz, I thought the only indication was the $0 trade in on the first receipt, then about $150 trade in value sent in a message later.   

Can you fill in how it worked for you?

 I turned in at a corporate store. I never got any trade in value e-mailed later like many people (but I'd guess that was mail-in). My receipt clearly states it's for the Pre-9/26 iPhone 7 promo, see below.


Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 1.39.02 PM.jpgFrom my iPhone 6s drop off for the iPhone 7 free exchange promo.




1 Attachment



7 Messages

7 years ago

ok but did you wait until after 3 months to see the credit on your statement?  you start getting it after 3 months.



7 Messages

7 years ago

PS - how can you have a pre-9/26 trade in on a receipt dated Oct 29?

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