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9 Messages

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018 3:17 PM

Identity Stolen - Seems Fraud Department does NOT want to do its JOB!!!

I don't have an account...well one that I signed up for anyways.


Long story, but here goes.


Saturday - Got a bill in the mail for AT&T. 4 iPhone X 256Gig at 1150 a piece. I immediately called the police and filed an identity theft report, and then called AT&T. The gentleman helping me on Saturday was named Forrest. Forrest informed me that the Fraud department is not available, but he would look into the issue with me on the phone. Spent about 40 minutes with him looking at the account. Forest told me:

1 - The phones were ordered by phone.

2 - The phones were shipped to a specific address that I have written down, in Arlington TX

3 - The number calling in was a specific number that is not my number

4 - The email used was an email that included my name and birthday, was a gmail account and it is NOT my gmail account.


The above information is important as it gets weirder...


Flash forward to Monday, and I call the Fraud department for assistance. I described what had happened, and what the Customer Service rep had told me. The fraud rep told me that nothing the customer rep told me mattered regarding my account, as the rep was not a fraud case worker. I asked what difference does it make...it was all information logged into the account notes.


Now it gets really weird...


The fraud guy tells me that:

1 - The phones were NOT ordered by phone, but they were ordered in a Sams Club.

2 - They were not shipped at all, but picked up at Sams Club.


He then said he would have to call me back after talking to his manager. Later, after missing a call that rang 2 times (NO Voice3mail), I called back in to AT&T fraud line, and was told that they had completed their investigation and determined there was NO fraud, and I was responsible for the phones. I continued to try to reason with the fraud department, and this is where things GOT EVEN WEIRDER!!!


3 - They now contest that the phone number attached to the order was MY REAL number, and not at all the one provided to me by Forrest

4 - The email address attached to the order is MY REAL email address, and not the one told to me by Forrest.


Every time AT&T has asked me to provide my real information, it seems to have made it into the order.


Finally I got transferred to the manager on duty last evening, and they asked me what my Drivers License number was. I provided it, and the manager admitted it was not the same as what was used to take possession of the phones...she will get back to me within 24 hours. It will be interesting to see if that number suddenly makes into the order information.


SO...Who is lying to me? Customer Service? The FIRST fraud guy I spoke to (Cecil), or the 2nd guy?



9 Messages

6 years ago

Screen shot of my post taken in case this post disappears...

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago


Identity theft is a police matter.  ATT cannot, and will not provide information, not even through the fraud department, on its customers.  

Att is doing the right thing.   As frustrating as it is, there is no point contacting ATT.  

 I don’t know why they gave up what they did.  


New Member


3 Messages

Not true, they said they would investigate it....



1 Message

6 years ago

They are not doing the right thing.  The right thing would NOT be to update wrong information on an order being flagged as fraud with correct information being provided by the INNOCENT person alerting them to the fraud.


Also, the RIGHT thing to do by AT&T is to REFER the INNOCENT person to the police and get them started on the right track for mitigating the FRAUDULENT account transaction.


What they are doing is NOT RIGHT!  NOT MORAL!


I won't ever be an AT&T customer because of this.  Nothing they touch is worth this kind of financial terrorism.



9 Messages

6 years ago

"Identity theft is a police matter.  ATT cannot, and will not provide information, not even through the fraud department, on its customers.  

Att is doing the right thing.   As frustrating as it is, there is no point contacting ATT. "


Thanks for your feedback. I have a question however to this logic.


First, I have filed a police report and have provided the case number to AT&T.


1 - When you say ATT cannot, and will not provide information on its customers - They are trying to say that I AM the customer...I am not sure I follow this logic.

2 - What is the point of AT &T having a fraud department, if I can not report fraud perpetuated against me to said fraud department?

3 - Why has the information changed?


I am not trying to be argumentative at all, and really do appreciate your chiming in.







9 Messages

6 years ago



Thanks for your feedback as well. I have already:


Filed a police report, and supplied that case # to AT&T

Filed an Identity Theft claim at https://www.identitytheft.gov

Activated Fraud Alert through Equifax. They are required to share that with the other 2 reporting companies.

Disputed the hard credit inquiry with Equifax.


Next I plan on mailing the actual police report certified mail to AT&T.

Cancel my subscription to DirecTV Now...as they are owned by AT&T.


The criminals got 4 phones, and the real victim is AT&T for getting scammed...why is EVERYTHING on me to get my name cleared.

Former Employee


32.9K Messages

6 years ago

Former Employee


32.9K Messages

6 years ago

nevermind that link is dead



9 Messages

6 years ago

@Constructive I called them at their 877-844-5584 phone number provided to me by Customer Support.


So far Customer Support guy (Forrest) SEEMS to be the most helpful...but:

1 - Where in the world did he get the information that he provided to me???

2 - What happened to that information??? The gmail used to open the account was my FirstLastBirthMonth(##)Day(##) format..which is not my email address. Fraud department seems to refuse it existed...but where did it come from?

3 - I have given them enough information about my call on Friday to listen to the recording...or even talk to Forrest, I mean how many can there be working last Saturday? Will they even listen to the recordings?



9 Messages

6 years ago

ATTCares wont even comment back to my concerns. Does ATTCares not care about me?

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

6 years ago

@ChristianJStark wrote:

ATTCares wont even comment back to my concerns. Does ATTCares not care about me?

You've already stated you're working with someone in the fraud department and expecting a phone call soon. What do you want @ATTCares to do right now?


Have you contacted the credit agencies to make sure no other fraudulent accounts have been created and/or put a freeze on your credit? If so, that's really all you can do at this point, since you've already filed a police report. AT&T is a victim in this situation as well; it must do everything it can to make sure the resolution is appropriate. 

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