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1 Message

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 8:28 PM

International call charges after having block.

I've had the international block on the account for many months and it was working fine. Couple of months ago, i upgraded my plan. Upgrading my plan cause the long distance block and other features that i had on my account to reset. THIS IS SOMETHING CAUSED BY AT&T AND NOT ME. NOT EVEN THE REPRESENTATIVE ON THE PHONE WAS AWARE OF IT.

I didn't notice anything different until last month i get a notice that i have over $200 in long distance charges. I called the very next day and the person on phone told me that he would take of it, by signing me up for a long distance plan which will make the call fall under the plan and only charging me $10. Upon trying to complete that change, he wasn't able and asked me to call back when the bill comes.

Bill came for $438 and i called back. Talked to customer loyalty which assured me that they will get it taking care of in a matter of few days. Few days go by and i'm getting charged for $222 leaving me with a balance of $216.

When i called today i was told that the request was submitted and it was declined. After a long talk i asked to be transferred to a manager which was very unprofessional and rude! 

I don't understand why AT&T is holding me responsible for something that its not my fault. I added a feature on my account that failed to work and now i'm responsible for AT&T's mistake. 

I hope a resolution comes soon because i'm ready to leave AT&T.

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