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25 Messages

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017 2:18 AM

International Day Pass charge when didn't leave the US

My wireless bill had a charge for one day use of International Day Pass ($10 + tax).  It was on my son's cell phone  and he never left the country during the billing period.  The bill specified the date it was incurred, 11/21.  I checked all his incoming/outgoing calls and texts listed on the bill, and especially on that date, all were domestic.  He did air travel on that day from Baltimore to my home in Detroit.  I asked him if he got a notification message from AT&T that International Day Pass was on, and he said that he did not.


Has anyone had this happen to them?  Has anyone successfully disputed a charge like this?  I am concerned that if this is a glitch in the system and I don't know what triggered it, even if I get a refund, it could happen again.

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

7 years ago

I’ve never used the day pass so not sure about notifications but my understanding is once it is added to a line it stays until removed. Consequently, I’m not sure if you get any notifications when daily use is charged. Therefore, It is possible he roamed on a Canadian carrier while in or near Detroit (especially if he did not put his phone in airplane mode) and incurred a roaming charge (probably data) that triggered the daily charge. I’d still try to get the charge removed, though. For future reference, I suggest you remove that from his line and only add it back when needed.



25 Messages

7 years ago

He flew Delta.  I guess it is possible that the plane could have been over Windsor?  I'm surprised the system didn't notify him (unless he forgot and didn't tell me).  When we were in Europe this past summer, AT&T notified us so we would know when our 24 hour period would end.


I left the Int'l Day Pass on our lines because I didn't think it would do any harm and more than likely I'd use this option (rather than being charged by the minute) again if travelling out of the country.  But yeah, I think I will take your advice and remove it.

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