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6 Messages

Sunday, June 2nd, 2024 12:32 AM

Mother wanted out of my phone plan, now AT&T wants to send me to collections for her bill

This is a roller coaster of a ride.

My mother was on my phone plan. We had a family spat, and we are no longer on speaking terms.

She wanted off my plan, so she went to a store who told her that I have to let her be an admin on my plan in order to do this. I try adding her via the website, but the tool to do this is broken. I can't add her. So I call customer service and have them add her. Done.

She tries again. Well, the customer service person had her prefix as Ms., but her driver's license doesn't say Ms. on it, so she gets denied. I never told the customer service person to put in a prefix. I just gave them her first and last name.

I called customer service again, this time to have them take the Ms. off her name. Done.

She tries again. This time they were successful in breaking her number off my plan. Only now I have 2 plans. One with my number and my immediate family, and a new account with just her number. Why in the (Edited per community guidelines) does this new plan have my name on it? Also - now it says I owe $105.20 for the new account.

I somehow get into the account online to try and change the name and email address of this new plan to her so she can take it over. I can't. The website tool to do this is broken, also, I can see that I have an account, but I don't see her number attached to the new account number. I try the tool where you can pass ownership of the account off to someone else, but I can't because the account is less than 60 days old.

I call customer service again. They can't look at the account because I cannot provide the correct passcode. They can text a temporary passcode to her number, but again, we aren't on speaking terms any more, so that won't work. The customer service person says I'll have to go to a store and get a SIM card with her number on it. I ask - if I do this, doesn't it disable her SIM card? Yep. Great.

So this is where it gets fun.

She gets frustrated with the whole process and goes back to the store and has them create a new account with a new number. Ok, well, that makes it so I can get a SIM card and won't have to worry about disabling her phone, so I get a SIM card and throw it into an old phone I had laying around.

I log into the website and try to change the passcode. It sends me a verification code to type into the website to change the passcode. It doesn't work. I try over and over again for 30 minutes. It doesn't work. I finally call customer service. They are able to send me a temporary passcode to the old number so they can access the account. I explain the whole thing to them - mother was on my plan, wanted to leave, somehow I have 2 accounts now, need the old number terminated and the bill to go away. A bit of clicking on the keyboard, and poof, they have shut down the old number. I specifically asked - what about the bill? Is that gone now too? Yep, the account is terminated. OK. Cool.

A few days go by and now I get an email that if I don't pay my bill soon, I'm going to collections. Seriously?

So now I'm about to go to collections for a bill that isn't mine, for a phone number that wasn't mine, on an account that isn't mine, for a person who I don't speak to anymore.

Come on. It can't be this complicated.

ACE - Master


11K Messages

1 month ago

Please remove the account number.  It’s personal information and no one from AT&T will read it and take action on it.  All they will do is tell you to contact them using the contact us methods at the bottom of the page.

Typically, when you’re the account holder and you want to remove people from your plan, you do a transfer of billing responsibility (TOBR), which both you and the person leaving have to agree to.  Also, the person splitting off has to get a credit check and get your own account.  Was the TOBR properly completed?



6 Messages

1 month ago

We tried to do a TOBR, but since we weren't at the store together, they wouldn't do that. This was their solution.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

1 month ago


Well I don't know how this is all going to turn out, but for future reference: 

Different service providers have slightly different terms for it but basically it is a transfer of billing responsibility to another person. Both parties have to agree to it and usually there is a limited time to accept responsibility once the owner initiates the transfer.

Which you should have done - to your mother...

You will have to contact AT&T directly to iron this out. That's not going to happen here as this is a customer populated form only

You can contact AT&T through the contact us link at the bottom of this web page. But I'm anticipating they're not going to talk to you until you pay 



6 Messages

1 month ago

It would have been easier for her to go to Verizon. This is nuts. I'll call CS again. I bet I won't get anywhere since I still can't reset the passcode, and now that the old number is terminated, I won't even be able to get them to send me a temporary pin.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

1 month ago

Hello @teddgram,




We do see that you have an issue and would like to investigate it further.

The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs. This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns.  To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact Us page (https://www.att.com/support/contact-us/), and choose the best option to reach out to us.  You can call, chat, or reach out via social media, and we can review your specific issue and provide you support.  If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you,
Jessica , AT&T community specialist.



6 Messages

1 month ago

Just as I suspected, when I called CS they couldn't do a thing because I don't have the passcode for the account. They directed me to go to a store. Sitting on the phone multiple times because that's exactly what every person tells you to do does absolutely no good whatsoever. This is a simple billing error and not one CS person can help.

The last time I went to a store I was told that retail stores don't have the ability to handle some of these tasks so you need to go to a corporate store. So I asked where the nearest corporate store was from the CS person. They gave me the address to the nearest retail store. When I told him that the address he gave me was a retail store (because I've tried using that store before) he said they don't have the ability in their system to tell which stores are corporate and which stores are just retail. So really they have the same tools as me googling which store is nearest to me.

Multi-billion dollar company, horrible customer service.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

29 days ago


You have two choices. Mail the bill for your mother's old phone number to your mom so that she can pay it. Or pay it yourself to avoid collections in your name under your social security number. Your choice 

Transfer of billing responsibility can be done entirely online. You never have to go to the store. It could have been done between your email and your mom's email, whichever email she was using to set up her new account. 


ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

29 days ago


 No one ever has exactly the same problem.  Please start your own thread and post the details of your problem without personal information. This is a customer populated advice forum not how you reach AT&T 



6 Messages

29 days ago

You can't do a TOBR on a new account if it's less than 60 days old. I tried.

I went to a corporate store on Monday. They could not reset the passcode on the new account, so there was nothing they could do. He suggested I call CS, so I did that while I sat in the store. They couldn't reset the passcode either. At one point I handed the phone to the person at the store and watched the 2 of them argue that neither of them could reset the passcode, so there was nothing that either of them could do with the account.

By the time I left the store, the person at the store suggested that I file a fraud claim. You see, an account was created in my name without my permission. That's fraud. So I guess that's what I'm going to have to do. It involves getting a police report filed. Imagine a system so screwed up where you have to get the police involved because their system is so locked down that no one can reset something as so stupid as a passcode.

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

29 days ago

There's no fraud here, just someone messing up. The police and fraud department won't do anything. That was just someone in the store not being able to help and telling you something to get you to leave.

File a BBB complaint. Someone from the Office of the President will call you and that's who you'll need to get involved to having any hope of this getting sorted out.

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