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1 Message

Saturday, November 15th, 2014 7:38 PM

Next plan confusion

Ok, so with the Next plan, the 24 month plan calls for 30 installments, so when you upgrade in 24 months, what happens to those remaining installments? Do you pay them all at the time of upgrade? Do you make double payments for 6 months? 


This has me very confused about the Next plan. I wish it was like it used to be, walk in, pay $199 or whatever and you walk about owning your device for the next 2 years...



49 Messages

10 years ago

Next Plan:

24 month plan, contract is for 30 months, after 24 months you are eligible for an upgrade; however you must return the phone in good condition. If you don't upgrade at that time the payments would continue till the 30 month expiration date then the phone is yours. If you up grade to a new phone the payments for that phone end and you would start a new contract on the new phone.


The next plan only makes sense if you are on the Mobile Shared Value Plan


An example: The HTC One M8 for Windows

Regular Price: $669.99, plus plan cost with $25/$15 saving depending on plan.

30 GB Share plan: $130plan cost + ($40device charge - $25savings)= $145/month

($145 x 24) + $669.99 = $4149.99 total cost if kept for two years, can update at any time.  


24 Month Next: $22.34x30=$670.20, plus plan cost with $25/$15 saving depending on plan. 

No down, no activation fee, only have to pay sales tax at order.

If upgraded at 24 months must return phone, if kept for 30 months it's yours.

30 GB Share plan:$130plan cost + ($40device charge - $25savings) + $22.34= $167.34/month

$167.34 x 30 = $5020.00 total cost if kept the full 30 months

$5020.00 - ($167.34 x 6) = $4015.96 is the two year cost, but must turn in phone


2 Year contract: $199.99 up front, full price on share plan and device charge for 2 years.

30 GB Share plan: ($130 plan charge x 24) + ($40 device charge x 24) + $199.99 + $45 activation fee = $4324.99 total cost for two years





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