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1 Message

Friday, May 31st, 2024 5:43 PM

Phones Stolen in Transit - ATT making us pay

I ordered 5 brand new iPhone 15s. ATT shipped it to us but we only received 3 phones. I went into the ATT store and the sales rep confirmed that it was stolen in transit as the shipping box was too small to fit all 5 phones. He then gave me 2 new iPhone 15s on the spot to replace the stolen phones saying it wasn’t an issue since it wasn’t our fault and we wouldn’t have to pay anything.

Days later, I get a bill of $2k for the stolen phones. I spent hours on the phone with multiple ATT agents and each one tells me I have to pay the bill. I even went back to the same sales rep who gave me the replacement phones and he said it is now out of his hands and the only thing he could do was put in a ticket. Well, that ticket has been denied and they still expect us to pay for the stolen phones. I’m at a loss for words now and have no idea what to do. 

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

1 month ago

I don't know how he could have known they were stolen rather than lost or mis-shipped. And I can't believe he thought just pulling 2 different phones (IMEI wise) off the wall and hand them to you would be the right way to handle this.

At this point, file a BBB complaint to get escalated.  That's the only way you'll get anything figured out.

If you are coming up on the due date (or it's past), pay the bill in full to avoid suspension of service.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

1 month ago

 😲 Yeah sales clerk did a nice thing and it was the wrong thing. Have to agree with @MicCheck 

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