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3 Messages

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 5:33 PM

Please Set up BiWeekly Payment Option

Many of us get paid once every two weeks
Not on the first,
Not on the first and the fifteenth

I get paid Every second thursday at 6pm eastern time. Period

Please set up 26 payments a year at half the monthly rate.

This would be 13 months a year, each year

This will give you an extra months payment a year and make it so you never have to make collection calls to me again...

But you would rather do this dance every month and treat me (and every one else that gets paid once every two weeks) like a second class citizen.

The ones that get paid once or twice a month are the ones that matter to you.

You made your choice.

Why dont i pick a day?

You do it.


Heck, take the extra months worth as a service fee for having to do the additional 14 transactions a year.

But stop screwing us and yourselves over.

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

7 years ago

You may not be able to set up autopay to pay every 2 weeks but nothing prevents you from making a payment yourself every two weeks. ATT does not care if you split up your payments as long as the balance is paid by the due date.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

Most people get paid weekly, are carriers supposed to bill weekly?

what about your electricity, rent, heat, car payment, insurance, cable TV?  Are they also supposed to change?

Sorry.  Not reasonable.  Learn how to budget.  Put aside the money weekly so you have enough at the end of each bill period. 

If you can't afford your service, then start asking about lowering your total bill.


ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

7 years ago

@sandblaster wrote:

You may not be able to set up autopay to pay every 2 weeks but nothing prevents you from making a payment yourself every two weeks. ATT does not care if you split up your payments as long as the balance is paid by the due date.

Exactly! With many banks, you can even set it up so a payment is made automatically every two weeks.

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago


But you would rather do this dance every month and treat me (and every one else that gets paid once every two weeks) like a second class citizen.

The ones that get paid once or twice a month are the ones that matter to you.

But stop screwing us and yourselves over.

Really, that seems a little overly dramatic.


THIS DANCE?!? I can't think of anything that bills me every two weeks, everything is monthly (gas, electric, mortgage, water, cell phone, TV, netflix, internet, charge cards, car payment) or yearly that I do. I know some mortgages can be every two weeks, but if your cell plan is bordering on a mortgage.... 


So to take everyone in consideration we need, every two weeks, weekly, twice a month and monthly options to cover all the salary options? Yes, it'd be more convienent (for you), but it's certainly not normal. 





3 Messages

7 years ago

But by all means i will put in the six payments for three months that the
system allows me to do to cater to THEM

and how is that not being treated like a second class citizen simply
because i do not get paid on the same day each month?

Automatic payments are only a privlige for those that are absolutely
certain how much money they will have in their accounts on a SPECIFIC day,
each month, year in and year out?

For manual payments to work, i better be able to set 26 of them and get
avreminder after 24 that i need to set up another 26 payments




3 Messages

7 years ago

I do not care about the banks,

Banks send a check, or push an echeck

Companies pull a credit card.

Big difference

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago

I do not care about the banks,

Banks send a check, or push an echeck

Companies pull a credit card.

Big difference

Are you saying you're going to put it on a Credit Card?



New Member


25.7K Messages

7 years ago

You know it's very easy to make two payments a month right? Use the online login and pay however much you want whenever you want. I can make 30 tiny payments if I wanted too. Pay once a day. Pay every two weeks. Up to you.

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago

@Anonymous wrote:
You know it's very easy to make two payments a month right? Use the online login and pay however much you want whenever you want. I can make 30 tiny payments if I wanted too. Pay once a day. Pay every two weeks. Up to you.

I'm thinking that if they feel like a second class citizen because their monthly bills bill them monthly, unless they get exactly what they are asking for they aren't going to be happy.


I'm not even sure how much they would take out for their preferred scenerio. Some months would be two payments and some months will have 3 payments. How would you break up the monthly plan? You're need a 2-week plan cost and 2-week line cost and data would need to be in two week chunks, if it were to be really equal.  And the bill would need to come on the correct day too...


And are they having this taken out of their bank every two weeks or paying with a credit card?



ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

Oh no.  This means I've been treated like a second class citizen all my life.

We ALL have!   

What's even more shocking ATT (and all carriers) have the nerve to treat all their customers like this.  

Do you think Trump and Meryl Streep get billed monthly?  


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