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12 Messages

Friday, July 21st, 2017 12:06 AM

Prorated Charges with out asking me


     I called to check my eligibility for my phone upgrade and before end of call agent offered me a new plan and told me that it is better then what i have and it is $10 cheaper a month and with more internet, I agreed to and switch over, next few days my internet speed dropped. Call back again to find out that the plan i signed up for have lower speed internet and so switched to another plan which is $20 more from the plan I am in. I agreed for that plan and when my bill arrived it was 80 more then what it should be. Customer service told me that it is because of the plan price. After finding out what happened she switched me back to the original plan i had before and informed that i will get credit for that $80 on my next bill. My regular bill suppose to be $359 with 4 phone payments and tax, now i only have 3 phone payments 

   Well i decided to get more internet as i only had 30 GB and I has used a plan which had more internet for 1 month. I called and was offered this plan which i am in currently and look right for me so i signed up . There are prorated charges show up on my account and my current bill is $461 which is more then $100 more as i only have 3 phone payments not 4 any more. This happened 5 days before the end of billing cycle and the agent did not informed me about that prorated charges. 

     Talked to customer service and was informed these are correct charges and cant not is credited. To me this is not legit as if the agent would have informed me about these charges I would had no issue waiting for 4 more days till the end of my my bill cycle, the main reason it is not legit is cause i was not informed about these charges and i should have warned that if i do not wait till the end of my bill cycle I will be charged extra charges as the result. 

   What can i do to fight back of this scam. Been with them over 6 years and had no problem and no willing to change either. But if i end up paying this extra amount I for sure look into finding other who have better customer service







14 Messages

7 years ago

I think that the agent failed to tell about the prorated charges. However is this your first service? Have you ever had a service before? All company and carriers prorate charges. There is not need to tell that there will be prorated charges because prorating is basic math, the cost of the services divided into the days of service.

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

7 years ago

Once you make a plan change, ATT is going to charge you for that plan. You gave them permission once you agreed to the change. That's all that pro-rated charges are. If the new plan was only effective for 4 days, the pro-rated charges for 4 days minus the credit for the old plan should not be much, it is always possible the bill is wrong.



12 Messages

7 years ago

Thank for that information and i do understand what prorated charge is but do you understand what i said what AT$T is doing on the name of prorated charge. My old bill was 359 with phone payments and tax. Rep told me my new monthly bill will be less then that. AT$T rep said it will be less why every one giving me all these excuses about them being not knowing any thing. They should have correct information for customers.

Ok back to point my old bill was 359 and AT$T rep told me that my bill will be less then 359 but i received a bill for 438 almost 80 more then it suppose to be. When i called i was told a new song that this is what i signup for the rep who switch my plan gave me wrong information and this will be my new plan rate. When i informed they apologized on behalf of that rep and  switched my plan back to the previous one and told me i will get the credit back for this 80 in my next bill. But i did not, I was told that by the AT$T rep and it was not correct information. I did not got that 80 back.

Well on top of that i called again after few days as now I wanted to get more internet on my account. and i was told about a plan and this time i asked the rep what it would be give me exact amount. He told me my plan would be 325 plus tax and that 325 includes the phone payments. I asked him to send me am email about this information he told me he cant, I Asked him to at-least note my account. but he did not.  Guess what happen  received a bill for 461. as my bill should have been less then 359 i got a bill for 461 when called i was told that my bill from next month will be back to normal only this month it is high because of prorated charges. Why it is high just for 1 month i do not understand. With prorated charges my bill should not have spiked just for 1 month that is not prorated charge. 

If that is one of the thing AT&T do i should have been told by the rep. I am paying 100 extra just to switch plan 4 days before my cycle ends. If i was provided with correct information i would have waited 4 days. In a way we paying for those agent as we are the customers. AT$T should train them better or provide them with better information.



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