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rtdubois's profile



2 Messages

Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 3:08 PM

Switcher Program has my phone but denied reimbursement

I switched from Verizon to AT&T wireless.  I handed over an IPhone XR that was only a couple of months old.  The AT&T rep assured me I would be reimbursed the $612.36 that was sill owed to Verizon on that phone.  I submitted my "final bill" which clearly shows the one-time charges for my phones ($612.36 for IPhone XR and $108.60 for an IPhone 7 Plus) not paid off, and then also clearly showed the regular months monthly charges were zero.  It did also show where those regular monthly charges were removed. It Specifically says...


This Month

One-time charges $720.96


Monthly Charges $0.00

$201.26 less than last month

     -62.40 from removed plan

     -138.86 removed lines


Surcharges $0.00

Taxes and gov. fees $0.00




This bill meets all the requirements for this to pay out but they have now denied me twice because the bill does not specifically say "Final Bill". 


I spoke with an AT&T customer service manager who agreed I meet all the requirements and he transferred me (to the wrong department) and then that person sent me to the number for the switcher program (855-749-0884), but all that does is put you in an endless prerecorded loop, and never allows you to talk to a human.


I am really starting to regret my decision to switch and need reimbursement for the IPhone XR that AT&T took possession of or they need to return my phone.  


Can anyone help me here?


Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hello @rtdubois

We would like to take a look at your account to determine what we can do to help with the Switcher Promotion. Its best to continue in private so we are sending a personal message (PM). Please reply to the PM from ATTCares located in your Forums inbox to begin. Thank you.

Kenneth, AT&T Community Specialist



2 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you for the response, someone has reached out to me and is investigating.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hello @rtdubois,


Thank you for letting us know. We're glad to hear that the issue is currently being investigated. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have in the future. We're always here to help!


Sean, AT&T Community Specialist

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