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1 Message

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 8:24 PM

Why Can't AT&T Employees Ever Help me?

For one reason or another our AT&T bills always fall smack dab at the beginning of the month. Unfortunately, after my wife lost her job, this became the worst possible time for bills to be due. Because of this, I am always forced to schedule late payments, and I have NEVER missed one. Now I am in a bit of a pickle, which I figured AT&T would be more than happy to assist with, due to our being AT&T customers for over 26 years. 


Unfortunately, Our billing cycle was altered a bit due to our purchase of new phones, bank drafted scheduled late payments, adjustments to fees that we did no owe, etc. So this month’s payment arrangement got set for the 5th (The same day our mortgage is due along with all of our utilities. I had scheduled my normal monthly bill of $172.86 to be drafted on 6/5/16. Unfortunately, this was going to be very hard, but It had to suffice. Then I check my AT&T late payment to assure everything is set as I'd intended, and guess what, my $172.86 bill was now $214.


Well isn't that great, just like the last few months since we upgraded to our new iPhone 6S+'s we keep going over our data, even though we have Wifi at home, in the car, and at work. You do the math. Anytime this has happened AT&T has given me a multitude of answers as to why this is happening, and been swift to assist in the removal of charges. But this time, we had 2 problems. Which result in my proceeding to call AT&T for an extension of 4days for my late payment (A completely different department that handles the arrangement of late payments when not made through the My ATT app) which I had vowed NEVER to do again due to the way I was ALWAYS treated by the CSR when I'd call.


To make a long story short, the woman I spoke with was, just as I'd expected, very rude. I gave her the benefit of the doubt as I know what it can be like in that position. When I was a sophomore in college I worked at a call center, so I tried to charm her, cheer her up with light conversation and polite compliments. Once I felt she was not completely ready to stab the next person she spoke to, I explained my situation, and asked if there was anyway(even if she needed to put my on the phone with someone higher up) they could amend the automatic EFT withdrawal to come out on the 9th instead of the 5th. Long story short she was terrible to me, telling me that with all of the arrangements I should be able to make the payment. She belittled me, and made me feel so low. So, I asked her, I said, "Clearly, my family has been a burden to your company for the last 26years, so am I to understand that you would rather me cancel service and go join up with Sprint, or Verizon, rather than offer me an extra 4 days to pay my balance in full, via automatic withdrawal?" And she said, and I quote "Well ma’am that’s up to you, I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you that if you don't make the payment your service will be suspended". I said okay, clearly you’re not willing to help me pay you, so maybe you can assist in removing the unnecessary charges that have made an already difficult payment date, impossible. And she basically said no way, I asked for her supervisor, and then she hung up on me!!!!!


I guess AT&T doesn't really care about loyalty. How about the fact that we use AT&T phones at my place of business too, and I am in a position to change our service here as well? How about the fact that my mother, my 7 sisters, 3 brothers, and 5 sister and brother's in law all use AT&T, how about the fact that I have NEVER had my service interrupted in 26 years??? I am just so fed up. You know how easy it would have been for AT&T to just amend the date to the 9th, completely ease my anxiety and help me and my wife sleep tonight? But no, they would rather lose a long time customer, and put my wife's business in Jeopardy (She is a designer and her cell phone is her reception). 


That all being said, does anyone know of another cellular company that allows us to keep our same numbers?




Totally Bummed Out and ridiculously Loyal AT&T user :o(



629 Messages

8 years ago

Gosh, this is a tough situation.  You're correct in that it wouldn't have been difficult at all to make that small adjustment to the date on which your scheduled payment was drafted.  However, there is still hope, I believe.  When I was a Verizon rep a few years ago we were able to go in and change a customer's billing cycle date if they called in and asked us to.  Honestly, I'm really not sure if ATT has ever had this feature available, but it would be completely logical if they did.  Since you've had such a rough time with phone reps, I would recommend sending a private message to @ATTMobilityCare with your name, account/ primary phone number, brief description of your situation and the fact that you'd like to change your billing cycle date, a good contact number and time to reach you.  They should be able to look into your account and see what the options are for a new billing cycle date.  I mention this because, with the system I used when I was a rep, it never let us just pick any old day of the month we, or the customer for that matter, wanted.  We were given a list of dates from which we could choose, and then we would collaborate with the customer on which of those dates worked for the customer better.  So, given that information, once you send that message, a rep should contact you within a day or two to go over the options of what you can have as your new cycle date.  While you're online, I would go ahead and check in your online account to see if there isn't an option there that'll let you change your cycle date.  When you do this, more than likely, your next bill is going to be a bit wacky because of the prorated charges generated by the cycle date change.  The bill after that is going to be back to normal though.  

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

8 years ago


All cellular companies should let you transfer your number to them. BUT if you let your AT&T account go to long, your numbers might go back into the general poll and then it's hard (impossible?) to get them.  


I'm not sure if they have to release them if you are behind in payments....

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

You already got some great advice, I will add my own thoughts...


I won't make excuses for rude customer service, there is none.  Often I can tell by the letter posted here that someone was really nasty - which your letter has none of that.


I hope I can help explain why your didn't get much help with the billing problem.  Essentially bad news first....

 In the past a call to ATT would get you a late payment agreement and you could change it.  The system was abused to badly ATT choose to make it computerized. And also iron clad.  Once a payment arrangement is made you can't change it.  If you miss, your service is suspended and a fee is charged for reconnection.  Customer service cannot help, and cannot do anything to change the payment arrangements once made or once the due date arrives.

If you have a credit card, you can use it to pay the bill and avoid disconnection, that would give you a little more time.


Now let's talk about that big bill.  Mostly, WHY?  And if I can help you trim the fat and lower it I would like to try and help you.

It's very high for 2 people, what are you paying for?  (Other than the 2 new phones).    

I will assume the phones were purchased before your wife was laid off.

Are you on the best plan for your usage?

Do you need help regulating your data so you don't go over?  (My particular favorite subject)




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